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Everyday Mindfulness — The Five Gratitudes
The more grateful you are, the more brilliance you see
Please use these mindfulness exercises liberally, they may change your life.
The five gratitudes is amazingly adaptable and incredibly powerful. So powerful that it has been incorporated into nearly every religious practice (think count your blessings or the daily prayer) and into everyday psychological practice where it has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of depression when done consistently for a month or more. It’s so easy and uplifting and can be taught effortlessly to friends and family.
For the next seven, 14 or 21 days just sit for a few moments and find five things to be grateful for. There are no right or wrong answers. Simply say thanks to each and every thing that comes to awareness.
I recommend doing this at least once a day, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. If you can do both, even better.
If you journal: write them down for seven days and then tell them to someone at the end of the week.
If you are doing it with your children: then take the lead and say your gratitudes out loud at bedtime and/or at breakfast and then ask them to do it as well. Take turns leading each…